WhatsApp Begins Rolling Out 'Frequently Forward Message Label' in India | Digital Web Review

WhatsApp Begins Rolling Out ‘Frequently Forward Message Label’ in India

WhatsApp keeps on rolling out new features to improve the user experience on the platform. This Facebook-owned app already has more than 1 billion users worldwide and it is one of the popular chatting apps. Now, according to reports, WhatsApp has started rolling ‘Frequently Forward message label’ feature for its users in India. This label helps users spot a message that has been forwarded more than 5 times. Messages that are forwarded more than 5 times will get a Frequently Forward message label.

Whatsapp Begins Rolling Out ‘frequently Forward Message Label’ In India

Along with the label, the company has also added double arrow above to message that shows the message has been forwarded many times. As per the report, this new feature has been turned on for all users in India with an update to the Android and iOS app.

“When a message is forwarded from one user to another user more than five times, this is indicated with a double arrow icon. The number of times a message has been forwarded is end-to-end encrypted.” reads WhatsApp FAQ page.

A spokesman for WhatsApp told IANS that “We have recently introduced an update to our forwarded message label that helps people identify when they have received messages that were previously forwarded several times, such as a chain message. These highly forwarded messages will be marked with a double arrow icon and users will receive a notification when they are forwarding such a message,”.

