This Device Makes Your iPhone Screen Invisible to Everyone Except You

This Device Makes Your iPhone Screen Invisible to Everyone Except You

Want to keep your iPhone screen from prying eyes? A mobile repair store owner in Turkey, named Celal Göger, invented an “invisible” screen for iPhone that turns the iPhone screen white, and a pair of special glasses that can unscramble the images made possible by a chip enclosed in the pair of glasses. This glasses will make your iPhone display invisible to all other eyes except the owner, by using glasses designed especially for the screen. So you need wear a special pair of glasses to see the contents on the phone screen. So to everyone else around you who is trying to see your mobile screen contents, it just looks completely white.

invisible iphone screenThe display is made visible through the glasses with the help of a chip that enable the glasses to communicate with the phone. The new screen will make the display white for everyone else and nothing can be seen on it.

As for now, this invention is available only for the iPhone. “I made the first one in six months, the second one in four months. The third one took me two months. Now I can make them in ten days,” said Celal Göger. While It took Celal Goger a half year to build up his first invisible screen, yet the second one took only four months. His third was worked in two months, and he is presently ready to produce them in only ten days.

Celal Göger is now trying to copyright this “invisible iPhone screen” technology before selling or releasing it to the market. His next step is to make the chip adaptable for use with any pair of glasses. Celal Göger also trying to implement a button that can activate and deactivate invisibility function in a single click. Celal Göger hopes to get financing support for this project so that he can make further developments. Perhaps a financing option like merchant cash advance is perfect.

Want to check out the video of the invisible iPhone screen? Here is a detailed video