Huawei's Babaji Now Guide You to Take Safe and Smooth Rides | Digital Web Review

Huawei’s Babaji Now Guide You to Take Safe and Smooth Rides

Road crashes are one of the top reasons for death among the working age groups, road accidents have formed a noteworthy emergency over the world. As per the World Health Organization (WHO), road accidents kill 1.2 million individuals and for all time impair another 50 million consistently. There could be several factors for road crashes but amongst all, mobile phone usage while riding is the most distracting factor.

Huawei Honor Ride Mode

As indicated by industry reports and figures, India has the highest number of road accidents because of various factor such as distracted driving, bad roads, overtaking and using mobile phones while driving or riding.

It is also a well-known fact that incoming calls are a major distraction to millions of bikers. Majority of bikers will snug their phones up in their helmets to take calls, putting their lives in danger. So to overcome this issue Huawei found a new way. Huawei is leading the smartphone market because of its innovative features on their phones. Now the Huawei’s sub-brand Honor comes with a feature named “Ride Mode” that lets the users to safely manage the phones while riding on the bike.

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To use the Ride Mode feature on your Honor device, simply activate the Ride Mode from drop-down notifications menu or from the device Settings menu. Once you enable the feature, callers will be notified that the user is currently riding, and cannot answer calls. The feature essentially functions as a Do-Not-Disturb option that sends a message to the caller saying that the user will not be able to attend the call since they are riding. Still, it allows the caller to call the rider by pressing numeric one in-case of an emergency.

We don’t know, it can be useful for the users or not while riding, still, this innovative feature from Huawei advises the users to follow responsible and safe smartphone usage operating a two-wheel vehicle. This feature will be useful for millions of Indian bike rider and encourage safe smartphone usage while riding on the bike.

While the Ride Mode feature is pushed through OTA update for already launched models such as Honor 7X, Honor 9i, the new Huawei Honor 9i lite is coming with this feature. Samsung also has a similar feature in their phones named “Bike Mode”, a dedicated safety feature for two-wheeler riders.
